Quotes and Thoughts

Welcome to Quotes and Thoughts, a new free feature from This is just one of many awesome free features and free services provided by Quotes

With Quotes, you can discover new quotes and explore wise words from some great thinkers of the past and present. You can keep and share of lists of quotes you enjoy.

Unlike other quote resources on the internet, our quotes here all include citations of the actual book from which they are taken. These citations are then manually verified by real human moderators. So you won't get all those fake quotes falsely attributed to Socrates, Buddha, and Lincoln. Thoughts

With Thoughts, you can share your original thoughts, and discover new ones from our members.

What makes Original Thoughts unique is that we require all original thoughts to be the original creation of the poster. We use a sophisticated system to prevent plagarism and ensure that each original thought is original and properly credited to the correct author. For instance, you cannot post a quote from Socrates and pass it off as your own original thought. With that said, you are more than welcome to submit quotes from books and other great thinkers, but those submissions will be recorded as quotes not original thoughts and you will need to credit the author of the quote.

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Fake Quotes

These are the kind of fake internet quotes you will not find here! Well, except for literally right here. But these get a pass because they're funny.

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